SQL Server query optimization for Dynamics ERP

SQL Server query optimization for Dynamics ERP

SQL Server query optimization for Dynamics ERP

1. Why perform SQL server query optimization for Dynamics ERP systems like Business Central or NAV?

In recent years, you've seen incredible improvements in many areas of database servers:

  • Database optimizers are constantly improving and finding ways to make queries more adaptable and overcome areas of poor optimization.
  • Memory speeds have increased massively due to advances in both memory technology and network bandwidth, CPUs have become much faster, and memory prices have dropped dramatically.

However, there are still professionals (like us) who make their living tuning queries and training others to optimize queries. This process involves finding certain slow queries (long durations) that are critical to Dynamics Business Central or NAV performance. These "slow SQL queries" can result from making strategic changes, whether in code, database structure, NAV server instance configuration, or something else. Optimizations are often necessary to ensure that these specific SQL queries execute consistently at a certain speed or meet a required performance standard.
But so why SQL server query optimization despite all the improvements?

Very simple:

  • Data volumes are also increasing dramatically
  • Customer/user expectations for performance/speed of applications like Dynamics Business Central have also increased
  • Customers/users expect not to wait for results now - they want to see current status immediately

2. Who should perform the SQL query optimization?

SQL query optimization is performed by:

  • Database Administrators
  • C/AL or AL developers who specialize in performance or specifically in databases.

Full-stack developers for AL and C/AL generally do not perform query optimization unless they have a specific interest or work experience. This is more of a specialization than a "quick learn" task, so most full-stack developers simply don't have time and need to hire a more specialized person to help them. Teams that don't have a readily available specialist can periodically bring in consultants like us the DynamicsProject Team to help.

There are also many database administrators who manage SQL databases where only "basic" availability and performance are required. These SQL databases are used by cost-conscious organizations that don't need to tune every database like a "race car": Most of their SQL databases are used by internal users who are used to Dynamics ERP performance and speed moderation.

3. What skills are required in SQL query optimization?

Most of us are not wizards at TSQL, but many DBAs have gotten pretty good at query tuning (e.g., through our V8 Performance Workshops).

A very unscientific estimate of what skills make someone in query optimization:

40% - The time, interest, and resources (including a network of people to ask) to build a comprehensive profile of "performance information" - this is patterns that don't optimize well, boundary conditions where performance becomes poor, understanding trace flags, and configuration on TSQL.

30% - Interest and ability to learn how the database engine optimizes and processes queries using indexes and other resources, and what affects parallelism when running multiple queries simultaneously against a live database.

10% - Understanding of the TSQL language and various ways to rewrite a query in conjunction with Dynamics AL or C/AL programming to produce a specific result set. This often only works with database DevOps.

What is database DevOps?
Let's start with the definition of DevOps. DevOps is a set of practices that combine software development (dev!) and IT operations (ops!) with the goal of delivering more features, fixes, and updates faster, in alignment with business goals. Database DevOps applies the same principles and ensures that AL or C/AL database code is included in the same process as development code.

Database DevOps helps teams further identify and streamline the application development and release process by addressing a known bottleneck: AL or C/AL Dynamics source code changes.

4. SQL query optimization tools and their cooperation.
4.1 Execution plans

How the SQL query from Dynamics Business Central is executed behind the scenes.

  • "Estimated" execution plans show the decisions the optimizer has made to execute the query, including the estimated number of rows that will flow through the different parts of the plan
  • "Actual" execution plans are estimated plans that are updated with runtime statistics, e.g. how many lines have passed through the plan. If the plan is "adaptive", it contains some information about which options were chosen
4.2 Query memory

SQL Server 2016+, all editions

  • This function tracks execution plans and aggregated runtime metrics (duration, CPU usage) along with aggregated wait statistics
  • This also has the possibility to "freeze" plans
  • Query store information is restored with the database itself so that it can be shared between environments as needed.
4.3 Dynamic Management Views and Performance Indicators (DMV)
  • These help to understand the bottlenecks of the whole instance during slow performance
  • Example: Overall maintenance statistics for the instance and metrics on memory latency during the time the queries were poorly executed can help explain whether the query really needs to be optimized
  • Query optimization often requires callbacks for "workload optimization"
  • SQL trace and enhanced event traces (enhanced events are a lightweight performance monitoring system to collect data and are the foundation of V8 Search XE).
  • The "Old" SQL Profiler is difficult to use for query optimization in "live" operations, as they can easily slow down your workload and cause performance issues when tracing.
  • Execution plans (filtering does not help in this case, the plans are all examined / collected and the filter is applied too late).
  • Wait Statistics (filtering can help here, but the collected data is so massive that you have to be very careful - and sorting and querying the collected data is also quite cumbersome
  • "Business Central Server Trace Events" There are two event trace providers that publish different trace events in the event log: Microsoft-DynamicsNAV-Server and Microsoft-DynamicsNAV-Common. The Microsoft-DynamicsNAV-Common provider is for telemetry trace events only. All other events use Microsoft-Dynamics NAV server. Usually, you need to specify the event trace provider in the monitoring tool you use (e.g. V8 Search XE)
  • "SQL Trace Events" trace a specific set of SQL statements executed by the Business Central Server instance against the Business Central database on SQL Server

5. Difficult problems - dispute over resources

It's hard to predict how SQL queries will interact with each other in a live workload

Shared resources:
  • Memory for queries - a certain amount of memory must be allocated for sorting/linking/moving data in a query. Many queries running at the same time that require a lot of memory can cause problems with this. (Sometimes queries assume they need much more of this memory than they need, and it needs to be optimized - this will probably not be aware to users outside of a live workload).
  • The number of queries that make changes and the approach to blocking are difficult to predict outside of a live workload (changes in query plans can cause blocking when they were not previously present)
Changes in server resources - even improvements - can cause blockages if they were not there before
  • Example: Switching to a new server with more memory and faster CPUs resulted in an increase in lock wait times due to reduced in-memory wait times and faster query execution.

6. Is a check in the "live" SQL database required?

Yes. One example of this is parallelism.

Optimizing the degree of parallelism for a workload and for specific queries in that workload is usually quite hardware specific, and you need a live environment.

Workload- „Replays“ sind im Toolkit von SQL-Servern verfügbar, aber sie sind:

  • Repetitions only - you can't meaningfully "boost" the activity (deleting the same lines 10 times is not the same as deleting different lines 10 times)
  • Time-consuming to set up

7. Automated SQL server query optimization: history and development
7.1 Automated plan correction

SQL Server 2017+, Enterprise Edition

  • Built on the query store
  • Detects SQL queries that are sometimes fast and sometimes slow
  • Can only recommend changes if desired and set up
  • Can freeze plans, test to see if it helps, and respond accordingly (Freezing is intended as a temporary solution - it is recommended that a user evaluate the query for optimization as a longer-term solution)
  • Very good function for identifying parameter sniffing
7.2 Intelligent Query Processing
  • "Intelligent Query Processing" (IQP) have been released in the latest versions of SQL Server
  • Several of these features fix common query optimization issues in SQL Server
  • More information: Intelligent Query Processing in SQL Databases.

8. Common errors and pitfalls in SQL Server query optimization.
  • Lack of connection between DBAs and Dynamics development teams
  • Lack of knowledge of the execution plans in the team
  • Lack of understanding of SQL Server isolation levels and "optimistic" options
  • Lack of knowledge of how Dynamics AL or C/AL programming is implemented on the SQL Server

We will be happy to personally answer any further questions you may have on this topic.
Your dynamicsproject.com Team

SQL Server Buffer Cache

SQL Server Buffer Cache

What is the SQL Server Buffer Cache and how does it affect the performance of, for example, Microsoft Dynamics ERP systems.

In SQL Servers, the "Buffer Cache" is the memory used by applications such as Dynamics 365 Business Central to quickly retrieve frequently accessed data. When data is written to or read from a SQL Server database, the Buffer Manager copies it to the "Buffer Cache" (also referred to as Buffer Pool - buffer memory of a database management system). When buffer pool is full, older or less frequently used data pages ("data pages") are moved to disk.

Why should you monitor the buffer cache?

Memory usage can have a significant impact on performance. If there is not enough memory, data pages are often deleted from the buffer cache. This slows down queries because SQL Server must go to disk to find the data page. Then the server must restore the data page to the buffer cache and then read the page before returning the query result.

There are many reasons why queries execute slowly. But if you want to rule out memory problems, take a look at what's going on in the buffer cache. A look inside shows which database, table, or index is loading memory and putting pressure on the buffer.

Use the following SQL query to determine which database is using the most memory (for a Dynamics 365 Business Central system, this should always be the "live" database):

SELECT CASE database_id
		WHEN 32767
			THEN 'ResourceDb'
		ELSE db_name(database_id)
		END AS database_name
	,COUNT(1) / 128 AS megabytes_in_cache
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors
GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id)
ORDER BY megabytes_in_cache DESC;

Run this query on the database you want to examine to identify the table or index that occupies the most memory.

USE [your database]

SELECT COUNT(1) / 128 AS megabytes_in_cache
FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors AS bd
	SELECT object_name(object_id) AS name
	FROM sys.allocation_units AS au
	INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p ON au.container_id = p.hobt_id
		AND (
			au.type = 1
			OR au.type = 3
	SELECT object_name(object_id) AS name
	FROM sys.allocation_units AS au
	INNER JOIN sys.partitions AS p ON au.container_id = p.partition_id
		AND au.type = 2
	) AS obj ON bd.allocation_unit_id = obj.allocation_unit_id
WHERE database_id = DB_ID()
ORDER BY megabytes_in_cache DESC;

Manage memory with metrics

Although it is helpful to check databases and indexes for memory overuse, tracking buffer cache metrics is the best way to identify and troubleshoot performance issues.

Here are the top five metrics to monitor to improve memory-related performance issues (SQL Server Buffer Cache):

1. Buffer Cache Hit Ratio

  • This metric shows how SQL Server uses the buffer cache
  • The hit ratio indicates the percentage of page requests that were executed by data pages from the buffer cache compared to all data page requests
  • Pages that are not found in the buffer cache are read from the hard disk, which is much slower
  • The ideal buffer-to-cache ratio is 100 (i.e. SQL Server reads all pages from the buffer cache and none from disk)
  • The recommended buffer cache value is greater than 90.

2. page life expectancy (PLE)

  • The page life expectancy measures how long (in seconds) a data page remains in the buffer cache
  • The longer the PLE is, the better the chance that SQL Server will read the pages from the buffer cache and not have to go to disk
  • When there is not enough memory, data pages are deleted from the buffer cache more frequently to free up memory for new pages
  • In the past, a "normal" PLE value was 300 seconds, when systems had much less memory than today
  • For newer SQL Servers, the following formula is used to determine "good" PLE :Page lifetime = 300 seconds for every 4 GB of RAM on your server.
  • The PLE should remain stable if monitored over time
  • Rapid, frequent decreases indicate memory problems
  • A decline of more than 50% should be investigated immediately

3. Page reads / Sec. (Server)

  • This metric shows how many physical reads (i.e. reads from disk) occurred in one second across all databases in an instance
  • Physical reads are expensive and slow
  • Reduce physical reads by using a larger data cache, smart indexes, and more efficient queries, or by changing the database design
  • The recommended value is below 90.
  • A value above 90 indicates insufficient memory and indexing problems.

4. Page Writes/Sec

  • This metric indicates how many times pages were written to disk in one second at server level
  • The recommended value is below 90.

5. Pages Input/Sec and Pages Output/Sec (Memory Counters)

  • Page input / sec. Is the number of pages that are inserted from the hard disk per second
  • The page output / sec. Is the number of pages written to disk per second to make room in the buffer cache
  • Pages / sec. is the sum of page input / sec. and page output / sec.
  • If the value for pages / sec. is consistently more than 50, additional testing is required

In V8 Search XE you can find a query to measure the SQL Server buffer cache at:

V8 Search SQL Server Buffer Cache Navi

V8 Search SQL Server Buffer Cache

An error-free SQL Server buffer cache is an important component of optimizing SQL Server query speed. Although memory problems are just one of several factors that can slow down query responses, they are relatively easy to identify and troubleshoot.
Tracking these five key metrics can help you keep data pages in the buffer pool longer, so SQL Server doesn't have to waste time searching the disk before returning query results.

We will be happy to personally answer any further questions you may have on this topic.
Your dynamicsproject.com Team

Dynamics 365 BC SQL Server Performance

Dynamics 365 BC SQL Server Performance

Dynamics 365 BC SQL Server performance - what should you look for in a monitoring tool? What is required?

A monitoring / analysis tool such as V8 Search XE needs to give you an understanding of the often complex performance patterns that SQL databases exhibit under load. So that you can predict how you will handle database expansion or enlargement. It also needs to help us recognize the symptoms of stress and act before they become problems. The tool should reveal what happened in your database when an intermittent problem occurred and noticeably affected Dynamics 365 BC SQL Server performance.

There are three good reasons to monitor and optimize database performance:

  • Chronic performance problems: Wenn eine Datenbank langsam und konsistent reagiert, wird oft davon ausgegangen, dass Ihr System mehr Ressourcen oder eine andere Technologie benötigen. Der Kauf von „mehr Metall“ oder die Erhöhung Ihrer Cloud-Ressourcen ist teuer, wenn die vollen Kosten berücksichtigt werden. Ebenso steigen die Kosten einer neuen Technologie schnell an, sobald Lizenzen und die Schulung der Mitarbeiter berücksichtigt werden. Solche Investitionen mögen als logische Lösung erscheinen, aber ohne die Ursache für das langsame Verhalten von Dynamics 365 BC/ NAV untersuchen zu können, sind sie sinnlos. Sie müssen wissen, warum Ihre Dynamics Lösung langsam läuft und was das Problem verursacht, bevor Sie davon ausgehen können, dass ein Upgrade die Antwort ist. Das Beheben einiger unerwünschter Abfragen kann zu einer überraschend schnellen Verjüngung einer müden Datenbank führen und diese unnötigen Kosten und Verzögerungen vermeiden.

  • Zeitweise auftretende Leistungsprobleme: Wenn eine Dynamics 365 Business Central SQL Server Datenbank ein zeitweiliges Problem aufweist, ist es einfacher zu lösen, wenn Ihnen Daten zur Verfügung stehen, wann und unter welchen Umständen dies geschieht. Wenn Sie eine historische Aufzeichnung der zuverlässigsten Leistungsindikatoren oder Metriken haben, können Sie die Aktivitäten über verschiedene Zeiträume hinweg vergleichen, und es ist dann viel einfacher, das Problem schneller zu finden und zu beheben.

  • Akute Leistungsprobleme: Wenn Sie die Leistung Ihrer Dynamics SQL Datenbank nicht überwachen, verlassen Sie sich tatsächlich darauf, dass sich Ihre Benutzer beschweren, wenn die Datenbank zu langsam ist, um ihre Arbeit zu erledigen. Dies ist keine gute Idee, da nur wenige Unternehmen etwas tolerieren, das Ihr Geschäft behindert.

With Dynamics 365 BC/NAV Server responsibility, it is possible to use SQL Server's own tools to capture the diagnostic data you need to identify concerning changes or trends. Unless the person responsible for initially responding to performance problems knows where to look, the amount of information available in SQL Server is little more than a distraction. The difficulty is often finding the information needed for your system landscape from thenumerous server metrics that can indicate resource conflicts, error conditions and bottlenecks on SQL Server.

As a result, you should deploy a monitoring tool that will alert you that something is not right with the SQL Server databases and provide just enough information with the warning. Once the type of problem is sufficiently understood, you can use various additional performance metrics available in SQL Server and Dynamics NAV servers as needed.

Signs of possible performance problems

There are several trends that warn you about performance problems. Among the more important ones are:

  • The current performance is unusually slow.
  • The server is under high processor pressure.
  • There are more incidents than usual of blocking, deadlocks, and long-running queries
  • There is an increasing number of wait times of certain types
  • Performance degrades significantly beyond what would be expected as database size increases
  • Memory requirements and the amount of space needed for logging are increasing rapidly

Collecting diagnostic data

Both Windows Server, Dynamics NAV Server, and SQL Server have integrated performance tools, and we have V8 Search XE, a tool to troubleshoot performance issues. Some of these tools provide general metrics, while others are designed to check very specific conditions that can confirm a theory about what is causing a problem. For example, is the cause of a long running query (long duration) a missing index, poor query logic such as a "non-SARGable query filter"? You can use extended events (XEvents), perfmon, DMVs (Dynamic Management Views) and traces to provide this data.

If performance problems persist after the database administrators have been alerted to the problem, you can probably find the root cause with V8 Search XE. However, if the problem is temporary and intermittent, it can be very difficult because the details you need have disappeared. By the time the problem is reported, it's too late and you'll have to wait for it to occur again.

Database administrators need a tool like V8 Search XE that continuously collects the necessary diagnostic data at regular intervals so they can quickly troubleshoot problems regardless of when they occur. An effective monitoring system must work on every SQL Server to connect all the dots across the server landscape.

Performance monitoring requirements

There are a number of ways you can use your monitoring tool to identify and diagnose performance problems based on the diagnostic data you collect. Here you can cover just a few of the more obvious possibilities.

Quickly connect server stress conditions to their root cause

Suppose Dynamics users report slow database performance, and your monitoring tool indicates that CPU utilization is "high". Does this mean that "processor pressure" is causing the performance problem? It depends! If the server is busy, your processors should be working hard to process all the requests from users! A good monitoring tool will help you quickly correlate this one metric with others that confirm (or rule out) CPU pressure and with the specific queries being executed at the time of the problem.

Is the CPU only busy because the server is busy? Is the number of connections or the number of user requests per second higher than normal? The only way you can know for sure is if your monitoring tool has a baseline for each of these metrics. In other words, if you can use it to quickly compare current values with values for the same metrics yesterday at the same time, or at the same time in the last few days or weeks.

Is the CPU increase accompanied by a significant increase in the time that user processes spend just waiting for the CPU? These frequent signal waits, along with high CPU utilization, may indicate CPU pressure. Again, you need a baseline for signal wait times to determine this, and your monitoring tool should make it very easy to add a metric to collect this data if needed.

Your performance metrics baselines may show that CPU pressure is normal during the last week of each month. At this point in the performance investigation, you want to directly associate the server stress condition, whether high CPU, memory, or I/O utilization (or all three), with long-running queries during that period. Excessive CPU utilization is often caused by long-running, complex queries that simply require a lot of processing power. Poorly tuned T-SQL statements and poorly designed indexes can lead to high loads on all resources.

Are there ways to reduce the pressure by optimizing these queries or the database indexes? If not, there are steps you can take to optimize CPU allocation for this period. For example, if they are cloud-based servers, can you elastically expand them to use more processors, optimizing the performance of your important reporting queries?

Without the tools to determine if the bottlenecks are caused by poorly written queries or missing indexes, the temptation is to increase the number of cores. Using a monitoring tool, it is often possible to find a small number of queries that are causing most of the bottlenecks. Once these queries are identified, only the queries and indexes need to be optimized.

Analyze server wait times

Wait in the statistics area with the powerful tool to determine the biggest bottleneck on your SQL servers. Each time a request is forced to wait, SQL Server records the length of the wait and the cause of the wait (the wait type), which generally indicates the resource the request was waiting for but could not retrieve. Wait times can be related to parallelism, I/O slowness, or blocking, for example. This is reported as total aggregate values recorded since the server was last restarted. DBAs typically check wait times to understand loads on the server.

Again, knowing that a particular wait time metric is "high" doesn't mean a problem in itself. Your monitoring tool needs to help you correlate it with other metrics and analyze those wait times to find the actual queries that are affected by them:

A good monitoring tool will also report the most frequent wait times over a period of time so that the DBA can easily identify trends or outliers.

Let's say you observe high CXPACKET waiting times. Is this a problem? This type of waiting occurs whenever queries are executed on multiple processors in parallel. A common misdiagnosis with very high CXPACKET wait times is that the parallel workload is overloading the hard disk I/O subsystem. However, first check the queries affected by these wait times. If it is an OLTP system such as Dynamics 365 BC or NAV, where transactions should be short and fast, you should examine the queries that have parallel schedules and look for optimization opportunities. Similarly, excessive I/O latency, for example, may simply be a sign that a large table is being repeatedly scanned and that an index can support the query.

Fast troubleshooting in real time

As proactive as a DBA wants to be in resolving issues before they become real problems, the monitoring tool always plays an important role in resolving real-time performance issues.

If a important business server is currently experiencing serious performance problems, you should know very quickly which connections and sessions are affected and what activities are taking place on the server. One way a professional monitoring tool can really help is to not only detect excessive "blocking"or report that a deadlock has occurred, for example, but also provide within the alert a list of active processes and some simple visualizations of the blocking or deadlocking chain. The following image shows a blocking chain:

The blocking in SQL Server is like a junction in a traffic jam. The query at the heart of the problem affects other queries, making them wait until the problem query has executed or finished. Common causes are excessive I/O due to scans for large tables or transactions that remain open after errors. To resolve the problem in the short term, the faulty query must be found and possibly the connection broken. A good monitoring tool, such as V8 Search XE identifies the cause of the blockage so that appropriate action can be taken.

A deadlock is a circular lock chain because each processing in the blocking chain waits for one or more other processes in the same blocking chain, so none can complete. This is a severe error condition that SQL Server resolves by terminating and resetting one of the processes. The DBA must immediately investigate to find out what caused the deadlock and take action to prevent it from occurring again.

Before and after: Baselines

Another important use of the monitoring data we collect is to create visual baselines. This helps the DBA understand if performance is predictably degrading over certain time periods or if the server's current performance is typical or unusual. They can also watch for changes as data grows or the system becomes busier over time.

How often do we hear, "Dynamics NAV was slow yesterday" or "It was faster before we released the upgrade" or "NAV is slow right now"? To validate these claims and figure out the root cause, we need resource usage data from yesterday to compare to today.

However, you may notice that the CPU utilization of this processor is higher now than last week. Is this a concerning trend? To support potential optimization efforts, you need to determine if you are seeing what can be described as normal behavior. Or, you are actually seeing a trend that is leading to pressure on this resource. Unless you are taking action, such as looking for ways to better distribute the load among the available processors during these busy times.


SQL databases are extremely complex even before you try to understand their behavior under load in production operations. You need this understanding of performance to predict how you will handle expansion or scale. You need to prevent stress symptoms from becoming problems that impact service. You need the information to make intelligent decisions about hosting. You also need to understand what happened in the Dynamics 365 BC/NAV SQL database when an intermittent problem occurred.

All RDBMSs have diagnostic tools. However, they are best used after understanding the general nature and context of a performance problem. Especially when time is short and problems need to be fixed before users complain. As operations staff workloads increase, it pays to have a system that keeps an eye on the Dynamics 365 Business Central / NAV system and issues alerts when a combination of metrics shows a concerning trend.

We will be happy to personally answer any further questions you may have on this topic.
Your dynamicsproject.com Team

Optimize SQL Server performance with Dynamics 365 Business Central on-prem

Optimize SQL Server performance with Dynamics 365 Business Central on-prem and Dynamics NAV (all previous versions). There are so many factors that contribute to performance issues in the SQL world that it can be downright confusing where to even start.

As the Dynamics application and associated SQL databases grow, things change. Rows are changed, schema is updated, and often things slow down. These performance issues can occur suddenly or intermittently, but it's important to know how to distinguish performance issues so you can fix the individual problem.

The post looks at some steps you should take if your SQL database is behaving strangely. So you can diagnose exactly what is going wrong and focus on speeding things up. Optimizing SQL Server Performance with Dynamics 365 Business Central should start with checking your SQL Server configuration, if possible.

Is it the database? Or the server?

If you have access to the server, you can use a tool like System Monitor or Perfmon to check the processes running on the server itself. High memory usage, high CPU usage, and slow network traffic are red flags where the problem may not be the database itself.

There are many other system diagnostic tools e.g. V8 Search XE that can help with this process. However, one of them should at least point you in the right direction before you spend countless hours looking at tables, indexes and more.

SQL Server has an excellent profiling tool that can both fix existing problems and isolate slow-running queries. XEvent Profiler displays a live view of extended events. It's also a fantastic way to retrieve additional data about your database for performance optimization purposes (e.g. see which queries are executed most often, examine things like memory and CPU usage, identify potential blocks, etc.).

In V8 Search XE, optimizing SQL Server performance with Dynamics 365 Business Central is divided into several areas.

SQL Server System Check
V8 Search XE SQL Optimierung
V8 Search XE SQL Optimierung

V8 Search XE is infinitely useful and a good first step in diagnosing poor performance (or errors in general). It is useful in both development and production environments.

By default, all databases in the SQL Server instance are eligible for the various database-specific checks, and you can use the optional parameter to restrict these checks to specific databases. Valid from SQL Server 2012 onwards.

Performs checks:
  • Processor
  • Memory
  • Pagefile
  • I/O
  • Server
  • Service Accounts
  • Instance
  • Database and tempDB
  • Performance
  • Indexes and Statistics
  • Naming Convention
  • Security
  • Maintenance and Monitoring

These various performance-related queries may be worth reviewing periodically to find potential problems that may arise over time.

Found the perpetrator? Find out now why the query is slow.

Once you have identified a particular query that has been identified as running slowly in the Analysis views in the V8 Search XE "SQL Server Check", you can view the execution plan to see exactly what SQL Server is doing behind the scenes. You can access it from a specific query simply by, the "Show Plan" button in the toolbar or from the ribbon:

V8 Query Plan

Execution plans can easily reveal potential indexing issues that cause your entire table to be scanned instead of looking for exactly what it needs. At first glance, they may seem incredibly complex (and they can be), but once you've worked with them, you'll learn to identify patterns and what they're associated with (e.g., the X operation indicates a missing index for a table, etc.).

A few things to look for here:
  • Look for Warnings - Warnings like "No Join Predicate" should be very obvious red flags that you probably need to address. Most warnings should at least warrant further investigation.
  • Order of operations (cost) - Consider the most expensive operations and determine whether such ordering makes sense. Does a simple join consume 90% of the processing power for the entire call? If so, something could be wrong.
  • Scans vs. Seeks - Neither is necessarily bad, but if one takes much longer than expected (one of them), it's probably worth determining if an index is missing (i.e., SQL Server scans the entire table instead of grabbing a well-defined seek value).

Understanding execution plans comes with experience, and hopefully you won't have to deal with them too often. But if you do, know that they can be a valuable ally in the fight against poor performance.

Investigate possible bad / missing indexes

SQL indexes are the A and O for performance optimization in your Dynamics NAV SQL database. You can think of them as similar to the indexes you might find in a book, in that they allow SQL to "know" where to look for specific data, rather than arbitrarily flipping through page after page.

It's worth noting that indexes are not "error-free" and as with most things, if you use them incorrectly, they can do more harm than good (i.e. imagine going on a scavenger hunt with exceptionally trails or lousy clues).

One great thing is that you don't always have to do this work yourself. People like us, have developed tools like V8 Search XE to recommend indexes based on table usage. Invaluable for optimizing SQL Server performance with Dynamics 365 Business Central on-prem and Dynamics NAV!


As valuable as it can be to optimize SQL queries, it's worth noting that SQL Server does some of these "well" and others "poorly"by itself. This is accomplished by using statistics to monitor calls made, caching execution plans, and making judgments about how a particular call could/should best be executed.
Note that we mentioned "good or bad" and that is intentional. Statistics, while incredibly valuable, can also cause problems if they are not captured correctly or are outdated. In most scenarios, you probably won't need to deal with them on a regular basis, but it's important to know that they exist.

As with almost any technology, it is very unlikely that just one of these items will cure all of your performance issues with SQL Servers and Dynamics 365 Business Central or Dynamics NAV. Consider all of these as valuable tools in your troubleshooting arsenal and use them together when problems arise.

We will be happy to personally answer any further questions you may have on this topic.
Your dynamicsproject.com Team




Der ASYNC_NETWORK_IO Wartetyp des SQL Servers gehört zu jenen Wartetypen, die sehr oft von DBAs im Aktivitätsmonitor gesehen werden. Beunruhigend ist es, wenn hohe Werte im Monitoring auftauchen, da dieser Wartetyp mit am schwierigsten zu beheben ist. Vor allem in Verbindung mit Dynamics NAV.

Der ursprüngliche Name des „ASYNC_NETWORK_IO“ Wartetyp stammt aus der Zeit der langsamen Ethernet-Geschwindigkeiten von 10 Mbit/s und 100 Mbit/s, die bis Mitte der 2000er Jahre häufig verwendet wurden.

In den meisten Fällen beziehen sich die hohen Werte für diesen Wartetyp nicht tatsächlich auf Netzwerkprobleme (das ist sehr seltener Fall), vor allem mit den sehr schnellen Ethernet-Geschwindigkeiten von 40 Gigabit oder 100 Gigabit Geschwindigkeit.

Übermäßige ASYNC_NETWORK_IO Werte können unter zwei Szenarien auftreten:

Die Sitzung muss darauf warten, dass z. B. der Dynamics NAV RTC Client die von SQL Server empfangenen Daten verarbeitet, und dann das Signal an den SQL Server zu senden, dass der Client neue Daten für die Verarbeitung akzeptiert. Dies ist ein allgemeines Szenario, das schlechtes Anwendungsdesign widerspiegeln kann, und ist die häufigste Ursache für übermäßige „ASYNC_NETWORK_IO“ Warte-Typ-Werte.

Oder die Netzwerk-Bandbreite ist ausgereizt. Ein verstopftes Ethernet ist Verantwortlich für die langsame Datenübertragung. Dadurch wird die Effizienz der Anwendung stark beeinträchtigt.

Ein Problem mit der Client-Anwendung (z. B. Dynamics NAV RTC)

Der häufigste Grund für hohe Werte des „ASYNC_NETWORK_IO“ Wartetyp ist, dass die Anwendung die Daten, die aus SQL Server schnell genug kommen, nicht verarbeiten kann. Wenn von der Anwendung eine große Datenergebnismenge anfordert, wird eine langsame Datenverarbeitung dazu führen, dass sich der Datenspeicher füllt, wodurch verhindert wird, das SQL Server neue Daten an den Client senden kann.

„Row by Agonizing Row“ (RBAR) Verarbeitung (Dynamics NAV = „REPEAT … UNTIL NEXT …“) ist oft die Ursache für ein solches Verhalten und hohe ASYNC_NETWORK_IO Warte Typ Werte. In der RBAR-Anwendungsprogrammierung wird jeweils nur eine Zeile aus der von SQL Server gesendeten Ergebnismenge verarbeitet. In einem solchen Szenario wird die komplette Ergebnismenge, die für die Verarbeitung verfügbar ist, zwischengespeichert und dann wird SQL Server benachrichtigt, dass der Datensatz „verarbeitet“ wurde. Dies ermöglicht es SQL Server, einen neuen Datensatz zu senden, während die Anwendung die Daten aus dem zwischengespeicherten Ergebnissatz verarbeitet.


Was tun, wenn hohe „ASYNC_NETWORK_IO“ Warte-Typ-Werte auf dem SQL Server auftreten?

Erste Möglichkeit -> Sie sprechen mit uns.

Bei der Untersuchung der übermäßigen ASYNC_NETWORK_IO Warte-Typ-Werte sollte folgendes überprüft werden:

Stellen Sie sicher, dass für die Clientanwendung entsprechende Sichten erstellt werden, dass die Datenfilterung von der SQL Server-Instanz durchgeführt wird und dadurch eine deutlich geringere Datenmenge an die Clientanwendung gesendet wird. Überprüfen Sie, ob es die Möglichkeit gibt, den angeforderten Datensatz in einer Weise zu reduzieren, um die Datenfilterung auf dem SQL Server direkt durchzuführen.

Im Falle von Einzel- oder Ad-Hock-Abfragen ist sicherzustellen, dass eine WHERE-Klausel (NAV = SETFILTER…, SETRANGE…) überall dort hinzugefügt wird, wo es möglich ist und dass die Abfrage ordnungsgemäß optimiert ist, um den angeforderten Datensatz nur auf die erforderlichen Daten zu beschränken.

Die Verwendung einer berechneten Spalte, die mit einer benutzerdefinierten Funktion (in NAV „FlowFields“) mit einer großen Datenbank definiert ist, ist ein weiterer häufiger Grund für die hohen ASYNC_NETWORK_IO Warte-Typ-Werte aufgrund von RBAR.

Um den den Client mit einer nicht optimalen Abfrage der Datenmenge eingrenzen zu können, sollten Sie im SQL Server die DMV [sys].[dm_exec_sessions] abfragen und dort überprüfen, welcher Task „suspended“ ist und dessen wait_status „ASYNC_NETWORK_IO“ ist.

Wenn die oben beschriebenen Punkte in Koordination mit den Anwendungsentwicklern abgearbeitet sind und der SQL Server immer noch hohe ASYNC_NETWORK_IO Warte-Typ-Werte anzeigt, dann ist es Zeit, zu prüfen, ob das Netzwerk ein solches Verhalten verursacht. Es gibt verschiedene Ursachen, durch die Einschränkung des physischen Netzwerkes, Fehlfunktionen oder einfach wegen falscher Netzwerkeinrichtungen. Folgendes sollte sorgfältig überprüft werden, um das Netzwerk die verursachten ASYNC_NETWORK_IO Wartezeiten zu beheben.

Probleme mit dem Netzwerk?

Überprüfen Sie die Netzwerkbandbreite zwischen dem SQL Server und dem NAV Client. Langsame Netzwerkadapter mit Bandbreite, die nicht der geschätzten Menge an Daten entspricht, die auf der Client-Seite verarbeitet werden sollen, sind oft der Grund für hohe ASYNC_NETWORK_IO Wartezeiten. In vielen Netzwerken sind oft noch 100 Mbit/s Adapter vorhanden. Diese Adapter können oft nicht auf die Anforderungen moderner SQL Server-Datenbanken und die damit verbunde Menge der verarbeiteten Daten antworten. Sogar mit der Umstellung auf 1 Gigabit-Adapter bleiben viele System noch unter den Anforderungen aktueller SQL Serverdatenbanken. 10 Gigabit Netzwerkadaptern werden als das Minimum für die meisten Umgebungen betrachtet, während 100 Gigabit bis 400 Gigabits größen sind, auf die viele Unternehmen in naher Zukunft wechseln werden, wenn sie das nicht schon gemacht haben!

Stellen Sie sicher, dass alle Netzwerk-Komponenten zwischen der SQL Server Instanz und dem Client, z. B. Router, Switches, Kabel ordnungsgemäß konfiguriert sind, voll funktionsfähig und der benötigten Bandbreite entsprechend.

Überprüfen Sie die Batch-Anfragen(SQL Server Performance Counter „Batch Requests“) des SQL Servers. Dieser Performance Counter repräsentiert die Anzahl der SQL-Anweisungen, die pro Sekunde auf dem Server ausgeführt werden. Unserer Meinung nach ist dies eine der besten Metriken für Performanceinformation die, der SQL Server liefert. Allerdings sollte diese Metrik nicht alleine betrachtet werden. Es ist notwendig, die Metrik „Batch Requests“ mit anderen Metriken (insbesondere CPU-Auslastung) zu korrelieren, um einen Gesamteindruck der Leistung Ihres Servers zu erhalten. Server mit Batch-Requests pro Sekunde größer als 1.000 werden als „busy“ betrachtet. Der Wert könnte stark von der tatsächlichen Systemkonfiguration, dem Aktivitätsniveau und der Anzahl der verarbeiteten Transaktionen abhänge

Achten Sie auf den SQL Server Performance Counter „Batch Requests“. Überprüfen Sie die „Batch Requests“ Zählerwerte, da dies auch ein Grund für die hohe ASYNC_NETWORK_IO im Aktivitätsmonitor sein können. Das Ziel ist es, die größte Anzahl von Batch-Anfragen zu erreichen, während die Ressourcen wie CPU, Disk und Speicher niedrig sein sollten.
Öffnen Sie den Windows „Perfmon“ oder einem Third-Party Monitoring Tool (z. B. V8 NAV SQL Studio) und fügen Sie diesen Zähler hinzu. Dieser Zähler befindet sich im Leistungsmonitor unter SQLServer: SQL Statistics: Batch Requests / sec.

Überprüfen Sie die NIC-Bandbreitenauslastung.

Die Netzwerknutzung ist über folgende Formel einfach zu berechnen:

Netzwerkauslastung% = ((Gesamtbytes\Sekunde * 8) / aktuelle Bandbreite) * 100

Sollte das Monitoring regelmäßig Werte größer als 60 % aufweisen, ist eine Umstellung auf einen schnelleren Netzwerkadapter / Netzwerkbandbreite sehr ratsam, um sicherzustellen, dass bei der Datenverarbeitung genügend Bandbreite zugewiesen werden kann.

Stellen Sie sicher, dass Auto-Negotiate der Netzwerkkarte die Netzwerkbandbreite richtig erkennt.

Um die aktuelle Geschwindigkeit aller aktiven Netzwerkverbindungen zu überprüfen, verwenden Sie den folgenden CLI-Befehl:

wmic NIC where NetEnabled=true get Name, Speed

Für den Fall, dass die Auto-Negotiation für einen bestimmten Adapter nicht die richtige Netzwerk-Geschwindigkeit auswählt wurde, ist es möglich, die NIC-Geschwindigkeit in der NIS-Eigenschaften manuell einzurichten.

Wie „busy“ ist Ihr SQL Server und Ihre Dynamics NAV Server?

Sie sind noch kein Kunde? Wir unterstützen Sie.
Mit dem richtigen Dynamics Project Plan können Sie Ihre Lösung optimal einsetzen und dafür sorgen, dass Ihr System nicht nur gut funktioniert, sondern stets die bestmögliche Performance bietet.

Haben Sie Fragen zu Netzwerkkomponenten? Unser Partner Netram Memory GmbH hilft Ihnen gerne weiter.

We will be happy to personally answer any further questions you may have on this topic. Simply contact us via our contact form or by e-mail to info@dynamicsproject.com!


Your team from DynamicsProject.com


Warum ist Dynamics NAV langsam

Warum ist Dynamics NAV langsam?

Warum ist Dynamics NAV langsam? Im Laufe der Jahre sind wir bei DynamicsProject.com oft Unternehmen um Hilfe gebeten worden, da das Dynamics NAV System aus irgendeinem Grund immer langsam wurde. Sehr oft bei Unternehmen die eine Dynamics NAV Datenbank Größe über 50 GB haben.


Grundsätzlich sind die neuen Dynamics NAV Versionen und die Microsoft SQL Datenbank-Server gut aufeinander abgestimmt. Das Dynamics NAV Standardsystem („Dreischicht-Architektur“) arbeitet tadellos mit SQL Server zusammen. Aber wer arbeitet schon mit dem Dynamics NAV Standard?


Nun stellt sich die Frage, wo die Performance verloren geht. Wir bei Dynamics Project unterscheiden bei unseren Performanceanalysen zwischen Infrastruktur- und Anwendungs-Engpässen.



1. Die Infrastruktur


Die Infrastruktur ist schuld, wenn das System träge reagiert. Entweder ist der Server zu langsam oder das Netzwerk ist überlastet. Das ist die Wahrnehmung der meisten Dynamics NAV User. Leider ist das auch sehr oft auch die erste Aussage der Dynamics NAV Consultants gegeben über dem Kunden.


Die Lösung muss sein, entweder das Verbessern der Komponenten oder das Austauschen der Hardware. Oft können große Verbesserungen durch die Modernisierung der Infrastruktur vorgenommen werden. Allerdings gibt es noch andere Möglichkeit, die oft übersehen wird, nämlich die Anwendung.


2. Die Anwendung


Für die meister Dynamics NAV Anwender ist der RTC oder Classic Client nur eine geheimnisvolle Sache, die geschieht, wenn der Benutzer mit dem Computer interagiert. Die Geschwindigkeit dieser Anwendung wird oft nur im Zusammenhang mit der Leistung der aktuellen Workstation, Server oder Netzwerk gesehen. Diese Annahme könnte nicht weiter von der Wahrheit entfernt sein. Eine schlecht programmierte Dynamics NAV Anpassung kann noch viel schlimmer Auswirkungen haben, als jedes Performance-Problem der Hardware.


Unsere Empfehlung:

Sehen Ihr Dynamics NAV und Microsoft SQL Server immer als eine Einheit. Leider wird der Microsoft SQL Server oft nur als „Daten“ Behälter angesehen und dem entsprechend nicht ausreichend im ERP-Gesamtkonzept berücksichtigt.


Was können Sie tun?

Je nach Einsatzzweck kann der Microsoft SQL Server sehr komplex erscheinen. Und wenn es um Leistungsoptimierung mit Dynamics NAV geht, wissen viele DBAs einfach nicht, wo sie anfangen sollen. Leistungsoptimierung ist definitiv einer der Bereiche, wo Erfahrung ein guter Lehrer ist.
Aber irgendwo müssen jeder Datenbankverantwortliche beginnen Erfahrungen zu sammeln.


Wir möchten Ihnen hier ein paar generelle Anregungen zum SQL Server Performance-Tuning geben. Hierbei handelt es um einfache Dinge der Leistungsoptimierung für den SQL Server.


1. Identifizierung problematischer SQL Abfragen


In einer bestimmten SQL Server-Instanz gibt es vermutlich 7 bis 10 Dynamics NAV Abfragen, die für ca. 80 bis 90 Prozent der schlechten Performance verantwortlich sind, die im SQL Monitoring (z.B. Ablaufverfolgung mit dem SQL Server Profiler) im Laufe des Tages zu sehen sind.
Wenn Sie diese „Problem“ Abfragen identifizieren können, dass bei Dynamics NAV nicht ganz so einfach ist, haben Sie eine gute Ausgangsbasis, um die Beeinflussung auf die Gesamtleistung Ihres Servers zu optimieren.


Einrichten einer Blocked Process Report-Ereignisklasse (SQL Server Extended Events)


Die Blocked Process Report-Ereignisklasse zeigt an, dass ein Task länger als die angegebene Zeitspanne blockiert wurde. Diese Ereignisklasse schließt keine Systemtasks oder Tasks ein, die auf Ressourcen warten, für die keine Deadlocks erkannt werden können. Wir benutzen die SQL Server Extended Events um z.B. Sperren von Dynamics NAV zu analysieren.


2. Suchen Sie nach Datenträgerengpässen I/O


Die Auflistung der I/O-bezogenen Datenbank-Management-Objekte (DMOs) hilft ihnen bei Untersuchung, wenn Daten geschrieben und vom Datenträger gelesen werden. I/O Engpässe sind mit die wichtigsten Gründe, warum die Leistung des SQL Server leidet. Wenn Sie feststellen, dass viele physische I/O-Engpässe auftreten, sollte der Schritt sein, die Ursache aller Abfragen mit höhen physischen I/O sind zu finden, bevor Sie mehr Hardware hinzuzufügen.


Sie haben relativ einfache Methoden zur Verfügung, um festzustellen, ob Sie I/O Probleme haben:

  • sys.dm_exec_query_stats – Gibt die Aggregatleistungsstatistik für zwischengespeicherte Abfragepläne im SQL Server zurück.

  • sys.dm_exec_connections – Gibt Informationen über die zu dieser SQL Server-Instanz hergestellten Verbindungen zurück.

  • sys.dm_exec_sessions – Ist eine Sicht des Serverbereichs mit Informationen zu allen aktiven Benutzerverbindungen und internen Tasks. Sie können hiermit die aktuelle Systemlast anzeigen sowie eine relevante Sitzung ermitteln.

  • sys.dm_os_workers – Gibt eine Zeile für jeden Arbeitsthread im System zurück.


3. Indexverwendung


Die sys.dm_db_index_operational_stats DMF (Dynamic Management Function) ist eine oft vernachlässigte Quelle von Informationen. Sie kann Ihnen wertvolle Informationen über den benutzten Index einer Tabelle geben. Durch die Nutzung dieser DMF, können Sie alle Arten von Informationen entschlüsseln, nicht nur welche Indizes, sondern auch wie sie verwendet werden.



Inzwischen werden Sie bemerkt haben, dass einige dieser Themen größere Konzepte und Techniken erfordern, um in die Tiefe der Materie vorzudringen. Allerdings ist keines dieser Themen unlösbar für die DBAs.


Lesen Sie im zweiten Teil: Warum ist Dynamics NAV langsam – Die neue Sicht der Dinge.

If this or similar topics have piqued your interest, I would be happy to engage in an open dialogue with you.


Your team from DynamicsProject.com

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New blog for Dynamics NAV and Microsoft SQL Server

New blog for Dynamics NAV and Microsoft SQL Server


Welcome to DynamicsProject.com!
Have fun on our new blog.


New blog for Dynamics NAV and Microsoft SQL Server. Since the topics of performance optimization and C/AL programming for Dynamics NAV and Microsoft SQL Server are very diverse and multifaceted, we will offer you short articles at regular intervals from today on, with which you can delve deeper into the subject matter. At the same time, the blog serves to give you a first impression of what you can expect from the Dynamics Project Team.


You can always ask us questions about the articles and we welcome any comments and feedback!


We wish you and us much success

Your team from DynamicsProject.com